Welcome to Epping Green Chapel
Sunday worship
Sunday worship, Sunday School
and regular communion
Volunteering opportunities
Prayer & study groups
Men's Group "Band of Brothers" "Women of Worth" group & more
Church outings
Children's Activities
Study courses
Alpha Course, Christianity explored and more
Weddings, Funerals , Baptisms & Infant Dedications by arrangement with the Minister

We are pleased to announce that from February 2023 Pastor Thanos Velianitis & his wife Maria , have taken up their appointment as Pastoral leaders at the Epping Green Chapel .
The previous Pastoral leaders Rev. Paul & Jane Walker stepped down after 12 happy years at the Chapel at this time .
Rev Walker will remain as NHS Lead Chaplain for Essex Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust ( EPUT) and he and Jane continue to support the work of the Chapel.
The Chapel currently has five deacons – Jane Walker & Agnes Mwenifumbi ( Pastoral ) , Martin Luck & Phil English .
Our vision & core beliefs
The Chapel is an evangelical Church – part of the Eastern Baptist Network and Rural Ministries. The Chapel is seeking to follow the commission of Jesus who still says – “come to me” (Matthew chapter 11 verse 28).Jesus also said that “God so loved the world, that he gave his one and only Son, so that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life” (John chapter 3 verse 16).
The Chapel’s statement of faith is that used by “The Evangelical Alliance” with which it is affiliated.
The body of Christian believers which meets at Epping Green Chapel, exists in order to:
- Worship God.
- Enable the congregation, including children, to grow towards spiritual maturity in their relationship with God and the way they live, and to encourage them to use their God-given gifts for the benefit of the body.
- Demonstrate the reality of Christian fellowship through mutual care and love.
- Make full use of its buildings, facilities and resources.
- Support the work of God world-wide (as carried out by individuals and/or agencies) through prayer and giving.
- Work with other churches and local organisations.
- Reach out into the local community in both Evangelism and Service.
- Welcome newcomers.